Herbal Vitiligo Treatments
Every herbal remedy for vitiligo calls for applying a solution three to four times a day, with improvement taking six to 18 months. Enhance recovery by eating a nutritious diet, getting plenty of sleep, avoiding stress and staying hydrated. You should also avoid sun exposure.
Herbal therapies
1. Mix an equal amount of turmeric and mustard oil to make a paste. Apply three times a day for 10 minutes. Rinse and dry.
2. Chop fresh basil leaves and place in a small dish. Add several drops of lime juice and two drops of tea tree oil to make a paste. Let sit overnight. Apply three times a day for 10 minutes. Rinse and dry.
3. Apply calendula (derived from a marigold-like flower) several times a day to affected areas.
Herbal Supplements
To boost your immunity, you should take a probiotic (one that requires refrigeration) as well as following the advice above. You should also include Ginkgo biloba extract (40mg three times a day).