Effective Fibromyalgia Treatment
Talk to Healthcare Provider about Pain Management Medications
An effective fibromyalgia treatment option consists of talking to health care providers about the right medication for pain management. The Food and Drug Administration approves the use of Lyrica, Cymbalta and Savella as fibromyalgia pain relievers. The National Fibromyalgia Association says that health care providers treat patients with medications such as non-narcotic pain relievers, low dose antidepressants and Lidocaine injections for localized pain or tender points. Patients and their health care providers work together to find the right medications for pain management.
Get Enough Sleep
A lifestyle change that effectively treats fibromyalgia pain is getting enough sleep at night. This reduces the fatigue associated with this condition and helps sufferers accomplish their daily activities. For a good night's rest, create a peaceful environment in the bedroom such as removing television and other distractions like alarm clocks with flashing numbers, adjusting the temperature and purchasing a supportive mattress. Avoid eating heavy meals, caffeine, sugar and alcohol before going to bed and try going to bed at the same time every night. Adopt a relaxation technique to settle down before bed. The National Fibromyalgia Association says that, if necessary, ask doctors for a mild sedative.
Exercise Regularly
The NFa says that regular exercise effectively treats fibromyalgia. Patients don't have to do a strenuous workout regimen to get results. Light aerobics, water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, walking and stretching helps relieve pain and reduce muscle stiffness. Light exercise also helps fibromyalgia sufferers sleep better at night. The Mayo Clinic has an exercise DVD specifically designed for people with fibromyalgia, and many fitness centers hire personal trainers certified to work with people suffering from fibromyalgia and other conditions that cause pain.
Seek Support and/or Professional Therapy
Fibromyalgia causes emotional and psychological pain along with physical difficulties, so a vital part of an effective fibromyalgia treatment plan is creating a support network. The NFA says people with fibromyalgia should develop a support group of friends and family members to help them deal with their pain. If family members are not supportive, find a support group in the community or online. Health care providers are good sources of programs to assist people with fibromyalgia.
Utilize Alternative Treatments
People with fibromyalgia can take advantage of alternative fibromyalgia treatment options to minimize pain. Effective treatments include physical therapy, massages, acupuncture, acupressure, hot and cold therapy, cognitive therapy, biofeedback, herbs and supplements, aromatherapy, and chiropractic or osteopathic manipulations. They should speak with health care providers about any alternative treatments.