What Is Cat's Claw Used For?
What Is Cat's Claw Used For?
Cat's claw is most commonly available in capsules or tablets that are to be taken as daily supplements. However, before purchasing a bottle, be sure to read the expiration date. Although encapsulated cat's claw lasts longer than the plant itself, it's not invincible. Over time, its chemical elements can degrade, making it less effective.
Use cat's claw for cleansing and detoxifying the intestinal tract. A daily dose of cat's claw is a great way to flush out the toxins that can accumulate in the large and small colon. Cat's claw is used to treat a variety of stomach and intestinal disorders including, but not limited to, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, gastritis, ulcers, parasites and intestinal bacterial imbalances. In fact, cat's claw is such a potent detoxifier that it is also used as a kidney cleanser and to irrigate and clean deep wounds.
Use cat's claw for problems with inflammation. Cat's claw contains quinovic acid glycosides, a group of chemicals that have proven anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, people often use cat's claw to treat common inflammations such as arthritis, gastritis, asthma, a variety of skin inflammations, urinary tract infections, hemorrhoids and many other more rare ailments involving inflammation of tissues.
Use cat's claw to build your immune system. Cat's claw is perhaps best known for its ability to boost the immune system, especially for those who suffer from immune compromising and opportunistic infections. In fact, since the 1990s, cat's claw has been used in Europe to help combat AIDS, cancers and other diseases that compromise the immune system. However, healthy people also use cat's claw to ensure general immune health and to increase stamina and energy.
Consider using cat's claw as a daily supplement. Cat's claw is used to treat a variety of ailments and is also used as a preventative treatment. By taking it as a daily supplement, you might not only improve your general health, but stop many viruses and diseases in their tracks.