Homeopathic Remedies for Fanconi Anemia
Increasing Platelets
FA patients must constantly be monitored to see if their platelet, or red blood cell counts, are decreasing. Doctors often administer androgens, or male hormones, to try and stimulate platelet growth until a bone marrow transplant is required.
There are several homeopathic remedies available to try and stimulate red blood cell counts, including drinking papaya leaf juice. Papaya leaf is known to contain very high amounts of vitamins A, C, E, K, B Complex and is especially high in B17. Papaya leaf juice is commonly given to patients in the tropics who are suffering from dengue fever, a symptom of which is a low red blood cell count.
Other homeopathic remedies include eating foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, K and B17, which include beet root, potato skin, beef, apples and leafy green vegetables.
Foods to Stimulate White Blood Cell Production
Stimulating white blood cells via G-CSF (hematopoietic growth factors) are also effective for many FA patients. A loss of white blood cells effectively lowers a patient's immune system, which in combination with lower platelets makes FA patients more susceptible to cancer.
Homeopathic treatments for elevating white blood cell counts, also known as leukocytes, include adding foods to your diet that are rich in antioxidants and amino acides. Examples include garlic, strawberries, oysters and pumpkin. A link to other foods that can help increase white blood cell counts is listed in the Reference section.
Herbal Supplement to Boost White Blood Cells
A homeopathic supplement called Immune-Aid+ is also available on the market, and makes claims to boost your immunity by increasing your white blood cell counts. Immune Aid + is made using a combination of Chinese herbs, echinacea, amino acids and metabolites.
Benefits of Homeopathic Treatments
Patients with Fanconi anemia eventually develop what is known as aplastic anemia, or bone marrow failure. According to Dr. Rajesh Shah on Lifeforce, a research-based homeopathic website, homeopathy plays a vital role in managing aplastic anemia. His research, conducted in Asia's largest homeopathic clinic serving patients from more than 160 countries, indicates the following:
- In conjunction with conventional treatments, homeopathy medicines may help reduce the number of bone marrow transfusions
- The general well-being of a patient is greatly improved when homeopathy treatments are employed, which helps better equip the patient to fight the disease.
- While homeopathy is not a cure for bone marrow failure, it can help slow down the disease's progress.
Homeopathy's Role in Aiding the Psyche
Fanconi anemia, and as a result aplastic anemia, can cause great trauma and stress in the patient who receives the diagnosis and must undergo difficult medical treatments and procedures. Homeopathic remedies are said to help improve the emotional state of a patient, in part by minimizing the side effects of traditional bone marrow treatments.