Early Hepatitis C Symptoms
The Hepatitis C virus causes this disease. Viruses are germs that cause sickness as well as bacteria that enter the body. People often pass the disease on to each other. Anyone can get the disease but some people are more susceptible to getting it. People who were born with a mother that had the Hepatitis C virus in her body are more likely to contact the disease. Those that have more than one sex partner without adequate protection have an increased chance of catching Hepatitis C. Adults and children that receive blood transfusions or different blood products are at risk. People who use illegal drugs are also susceptible to Hepatitis C. You can contract the disease by having sex with a partner that has it, by using a needle that is infected, or even by using an infected person's toothbrush or razor.
The virus can take 10 years or more before the symptoms develop. At that point some damage has been done to your immune system and the function of the liver. It causes yellow skin called jaundice. If you develop a cut it will often take longer for the bleeding to stop. Those with the virus might have a number of symptoms --- swollen stomach or ankles; often you will bruise easily; tiredness, loss of appetite, dark yellow urine and yellow stool.
Chronic Hepatitis is a chronic infection of the body. Some people clear the infections from the body; others do not. Without treatment, Hepatitis C can cause serious diseases like liver cancer and cirrhosis. It is diagnosed through blood tests, which your doctor can administer. Also --- a liver biopsy is a test that looks for liver damage if the symptoms suggest you have chronic Hepatitis C. The doctor will use a needle and remove a tiny piece of the liver for analysis. It is treated with prescription drugs. Early symptoms can develop five to 12 weeks after being exposed to the virus.
Only chronic Hepatitis C is treated with drugs. The most common drugs used are a combination of peginterferon and ribavirin. This combination attacks the Hepatitis C virus and the treatments last from 24 to 48 weeks. The best way to avoid Hepatitis C is to never share drug needles with others, always wear gloves when touching someone else's blood, wear a condom and use other protection when having sex, do not borrow someone else's toothbrush or razor, and do not donate blood if you have the virus or suspect you do. If you suspect you have the infection, visit a doctor promptly to get treatment.
Some lifestyle and diet changes you can make are:
Do not drink alcohol.
Try to avoid medications known to cause liver damage as a side effect. Some over the counter drugs like Tylenol are harmful to the liver in some people.
Always cover any cuts so that you do not get them contaminated.
Alternative treatment
An alternative treatment used to treat symptoms of Hepatitis and other liver disorders is the herb milk thistle. Check with your doctor to learn if this treatment might be appropriate for you --- along with other medications he might prescribe.