How to Treat UC Naturally
Take a probiotic supplement. Probiotics are good, or "beneficial" bacteria that naturally occur in our digestive tracts. Many people with ulcerative colitis find that taking regular probiotic supplements keeps their UC at bay. Once hard to keep, probiotics are now available in easy to use, shelf-stable forms. See the Resources section below for more information.
Take an anti-inflammatory herbal supplement, like ginger or turmeric. Like many autoimmune diseases, ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease. There are a number of herbs that are known to reduce inflammation, but it's best to take a supplement to get the full effect. Go ahead and add these herbs to your food, too, if you like! Ginger and garlic are both readily available, delicious, and have proven histories of reducing inflammation.
Take a fish oil supplement to soothe and protect your stomach from your ulcerative colitis. Fish oils naturally coat your digestive tract and also have calming effect on inflamed areas. They're also great for your heart, so you'll be doing yourself a world of good by adding this supplement to your daily regime. Nordic Naturals makes their fish oil supplements with a little lemon oil, so they taste lemony, not fishy. See their link below for more information.
Practice stress management techniques. Who couldn't benefit from more of these? For many people with UC, prolonged or severe stress seems to bring on an exacerbation of their ulcerative colitis symptoms, so it's vital to be able to manage their stress. Practice meditation, attend religious services, exercise regularly, keep a journal, spend time with friends and loved ones, listen to music, or practice anything else that helps you personally to relax. A good night's sleep can do a lot to keep your ulcerative colitis symptoms to a minimum, too. Make your health a priority, and dismiss the things in your life that keep you from feeling well.
Practice yoga poses to massage your digestive tract. Yoga can help you manage stress too, of course, but it also helps to keep blood flowing through your body, nurturing and healing your insides. Twisting poses, forward bends and back bends all help to massage your digestive tract and keep your tummy healthy.