Natural Remedies for Sjogren's Syndrome
Sjogren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease, impacts 4 million Americans each year. The immune system of people with Sjogren's syndrome malfunctions, attacking the healthy tissues of their mucus membranes. There is currently no cure for Sjogren's syndrome, and current treatment options often do little to relieve symptoms. Alternative treatments, when coupled with traditional medicine, can enhance the quality of life for those with Sjogren's syndrome. Traditional and alternative treatments focus on hydrating mucus membranes and strengthening the immune system.-
Sufferers of Sjogren's syndrome have extremely dry eyes and a dry mouth. This dryness can result in eyes that itch, burn and are sensitive to light. Dryness in the mouth can make it difficult to swallow, diminish the sense of taste and contribute to cavities. Sjogren's syndrome can also cause dry skin, rashes, joint pain and fatigue. Successful alternative treatments function to relieve these symptoms, particularly the dryness in the mouth and eyes.
Every major type of alternative medicine has its own treatment course for Sjogren's syndrome, but no one alternative treatment has been shown to cure the syndrome. Acupuncture sessions, herbs, nutritional supplements and homeopathy may help relieve the symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome. Small clinical studies have demonstrated that lozenges made with willow bark relieve dry mouth and improve speech. Researchers have also successfully treated dry eyes with topical and oral omega-3 fatty acid supplements.
Lifestyle adaptations and home remedies are some of the most effective ways to deal with the dryness associated with Sjogren's. Keep the environment moist with the use of a humidifier, maintain a sufficient fluid intake and monitor symptoms closely to prevent damage from dryness. Eliminating breezes or limiting the use of fans can also help prevent the eyes and nasal passages from drying out. The consistent use of skin lotion, nasal sprays and vaginal lubricants are also vital in Sjogren's home care (see Resources below).
Dry eyes can be relieved with the use of warm compresses, a mask when sleeping, over-the-counter lubricants and by resting the eyes frequently when doing detailed work. Dryness in the mouth can be addressed at home by increasing fluid intake, chewing gum and eating hard candies.
Sjogren's syndrome is a serious medical disorder that should be treated by a licensed medical professional. Use of alternative remedies and home treatments should be done under physician supervision. Sjogren's can lead to cavities and oral yeast infections, so it is important to see a dentist at least three times a year. Excessively dry eyes can result in damage to the corneas, so it is essential that an eyecare professional be consulted on a regular basis.