Factors for an Unhealthy Immune System
A healthy immune system is designed to be a protective barrier for the body. Its job is to prevent bacteria, viruses and toxins from affecting how the body functions. The body is made up of chemical processes designed to combat foreign substances that enter it. Specific cells and organs work to secrete enzymes and anti-bacterial agents that kill bacteria, viruses and toxins. Areas of the body that play a part in the health of our immune system include the:
· skin
· nose, mouth and eyes (via secretions)
· thymus
· spleen
· lymph system
· bone marrow
· white blood cells
· antibodies
· complement system
· hormones
The lymphatic system is the central component of our immune system. It is made up of organs, ducts and nodes that transport immune cells, or lymphocytes, throughout the body. Working in conjunction with the circulatory system, it drains waste products from cell bodies.
A weak lymphatic system can result in allergies, chronic sinusitis, loss of energy and excess cellulite. A lack of fluid intake, minimal exercise and an imbalanced diet all impede the functioning of the lymphatic system. When this happens, the body's ability to coordinate chemical balances between the cells and eliminate waste products is hampered.
Factors that contribute to an unhealthy immune system are related to how we use our bodies, what we put in them and the environmental conditions we're exposed to. Poor eating habits play a big part in weakening the immune system, as they deprive the body of the nutrients we need to maintain the health of our immune system.
Digestive problems also play a part in the body's maintenance system. Conditions like heartburn or acid flux not only cause discomfort, but are signs that the digestive system is not breaking down foods properly. When this happens, the immune system misses out on needed vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Coupled with this is a buildup of toxins in the body as a result of the digestive system's inability to eliminate harmful additives contained within the food.
An unhealthy immune system affects the overall health of the body, and is identified as the cause of most chronic health issues. As the body weakens, it becomes susceptible to the stress factors in our everyday life. Physical, mental and environmental stress are conditions that continually challenge the immune system. Once this system is weakened, regular stressors work to further tear down our immune system's ability to protect the body.
Environmental stressors include air and water pollutants, and additives. Unless these are processed and eliminated by the immune system, toxins begin to accumulate in the body and deteriorate cellular functions.
There are a number of steps you can take to strengthen an unhealthy immune system. You can:
· eat a balanced diet
· drink a minimum of 64 oz. of water a day
· exercise on a regular basis
· take a multivitamin daily
· monitor and control stress levelsMinerals such as zinc, iron and selenium also help strengthen the lymphatic system, as these minerals are needed to produce the immune cells.