How to Treat Autoimmune Disorders Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Research books
- Detox herbs
- Sarsaparilla
- Yarrow
Figure Out Where to Start
Figure out your disorder. The best way to start working towards a natural treatment is to know what the exact autoimmune problem is. This means finding which symptoms you are bothered by the most and how it is affecting you.
Research. Even with the suggested natural supplements that you can use to fight an autoimmune disorder, it is always best to do your own research and find what you believe will be valid. The benefit of natural supplements is that there won't be any side effects; however, finding the right treatment the first time can save you money, aggravation and time.
Find more than one type of supplement. The most obvious type of research you will want to do is to find the herbal remedies that can help you to fight your autoimmune disorder. However, most say that implementing a workout program, such as Yoga or tai chi, can also help you to gain inner strength.
Clear Out Your System
Start with a detox. No matter what you have found with your symptoms, it is always best to start by starting fresh. A detox is a simple way to help your body to clear out and start over. There are several ways to do this. Some of the simplest are drinking a glass of Epson Salt or fasting on one type of food for a couple of days.
Use herbs to help the detoxification process. One of the options you can use is an ancient remedy for clearing out your system. This is specific for those who are facing autoimmune disorders. Combining sarsaparilla and yarrow can be used specifically to detoxify the blood stream. Eat some of these every day in order to start clearing out your system and feeling better.
Know your options. You will want to continue to clear out your system with herbal remedies and to find what works best for you. Look into herbs such as Bosweilla, Devil's Claw, Ginger and Turmeric, by either taking the time to eat them every day or by adding them into your meals. If you have muscle stiffness, you can also try yucca as a natural remedy.