How to Treat Pseudomonas Infections
Use antibiotics. Injections of an aminoglycoside, like gentamicin or tobramycin, with a dosage of 5 mg/kg/day is usually effective. Other antibiotics used effectively against Pseudomonas include amikacin, azlocillin, carbenicillin, mezlocillin, piperacillin and ticarcillin. The specific choice of antibiotic depends, in part, upon local resistance patterns.
Apply acetic acid drops and topical antibiotics to a Pseudomonas ear infection and it should improve quickly. Hot tub folliculitis usually does not require treatment.
Treat Pseudomonas eye infections with highly concentrated antibiotic drops. The antibiotics are sometimes injected directly into the eye.
Debride Pseudomonal toe web infections and apply silver nitrate or a 5 percent solution of acetic acid. Continue to apply a topical antibiotic until the infection is gone. Silver sulfadiazine is the most commonly used agent, but silver nitrate and mafenide can be effective as well.
Realize that more serious Pseudomonas infections can be difficult to treat. They typically require weeks of intravenous antibiotics, usually in combination. An infected heart valve can sometimes be treated with antibiotics but often require open heart surgery to replace the valve.