How do I Research Lymphedema?
Talk with the physician treating the lymphedema patient. Since this disease is often found with cancer patients, you might start with the oncologist. A cardiologist may also be able to assist you since lymph moves through the body's circulatory system. A physician can answer your questions and direct you to other resources.
Read up on the latest research being done with this particular disease. Online resources like Lymphedema People can help. You can find information about research centers, clinical trials that have been conducted and physicians you can contact.
Read publications by physicians on lymphedema. Recent publications related to this disease can be found through your public or school library or by using online resources, such as or
Join the mailing list for the Lymphatic Research Foundation. This organization is dedicated to researching lymphedema to find causes and better treatment methods. If you're on the mailing list, you will receive updates about the organization's progress.
Join the National Lymphedema Network and subscribe to its newsletter. Through the newsletter, you will receive articles on lymphedema and research being done. Members have access to an even wider base of articles on lymphedema, including real case studies and current research.