Is a Tuberculosis Carrier Contagious?
Latent TB (Non-Contagious)
If the tuberculosis bacteria (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) are present in the body, but the immune system prevents them from growing, the TB is inactive. The carrier has the live bacteria in the body, but the disease cannot be transferred.
Active TB (Contagious)
If TB bacteria are present and the immune system cannot prevent the bacteria from growing, the carrier has Active TB and is infectious. Symptoms of active TB include abnormal x-rays, sputum, weight loss, night sweats and chills.
Identifying Non-Contagious TB
The usual method of identifying TB is the Mantoux skin test. TB protein is injected under the skin and, if an identifiable bump has appeared two day's later, TB is present. In the absence of other symptoms and negative tests, the carrier is non-contagious.
Identifying Contagious TB
A positive Mantoux test, X-ray and other identified symptoms mean the carrier is infectious.
The above information is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical assessment, and professional advice should always be sought.