How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Treatment of Thrush

Candidiasis is caused by a parasitic fungus of the Candida species--Candida albicans being the most common. It is called thrush when it appears in the mouth and commonly referred to as a yeast infection when it appears in the vagina. It is a parasitic fungus that commonly infects the vagina, mouth and throat. (Thrush also refers to a bacterial infection of a horse's hoofs.) Thrush and other Candida infections can occur when some other disease has weakened your immune system. For example, it is common among HIV patients. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to help treat thrush.

Things You'll Need

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Water
  • Swab
  • Cup
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      Dilute 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution 1-to-1 with water (half-strength).

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      Scrape off the white coating in your mouth to reveal the red soars underneath so the H2O2 can get to it.

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      Apply the H2O2 mixture directly to the soars with a swab.

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      Pour some of the solution into a cup and swish it in your mouth but do not swallow. Gargle in order to reach the back part of your mouth cavity.

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      See your doctor for specialized medicine if you don't see improvement within a week, or if the infection reaches too far back to reach with hydrogen peroxide without swallowing. With all the other possible treatments available, there is no reason to confine yourself to just hydrogen peroxide if it doesn't work.

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