Remedies for MRSA
MRSA bacteria have already become resistant to penicillin derivative antibiotics. Last-resort antibiotics have now become the first line of defense for MRSA infections. Oral glycopeptide antibiotics for MRSA infections include clindamycin, linezolid, tetracycline, co-trimoxazole, and vancomycin. The problem with using high-power medications as the treatment of first choice is that is that as MRSA evolves and new strains become resistant to these last-resort antibiotics, the medical community is left with only very strong intravenous versions of antibiotics.
Topical Treatments
MRSA skin outbreaks should be cleaned with soap and water and anti-bacterial cleansers. Hexachlorophene cleansers like Phisohex are good for adults but should not be used for young children. Chlorhexadine cream, ointment or soap (Hebiclens, Betasept and others) can be used for children. Clean the affected area three or four times a day, apply an anti-bacterial topical ointment and cover with a warm, moist compress for 30 minutes. Use an anti-bacterial ointment like Bactroban or Bacitracin that is designed for Staphyloccus infections rather than a simple antibiotic like neomycin and polymycin (Neosporin).
Surgical Treatment
Deep infections or abscesses often require a doctor to open them up surgically and drain the fluid to prevent MRSA bacteria from crossing into the bloodstream and flooding and overwhelming the system.
MRSA infections should be carefully watched. They can get out of hand very quickly, so follow doctors instructions closely, and if the wounds do not heal, contact your physician immediately. Complete all cycles of antibiotics even if the condition appears to be healed. If you quit too early, the infection can rebound with serious consequences.