How to Get Rid of Staph
Things You'll Need
- Antibiotics
Treating Staph Infection
Seek medical attention if you or family members experience any of the following staph-related symptoms: skin that is red, painful or irritated; blisters that are filled with pus; fever; or, contagious skin problems passing among household members.
Submit to testing. According to the Mayo Clinic, a doctor must perform tests to determine which strain of staph bacteria is causing symptoms, and which antibiotic will work best.
Take antibiotics as prescribed even if/when symptoms seem to have cleared up. Discontinuing antibiotics before all of them have been taken can lead to a recurrence of the infection.
If MRSA-related skin problems are present, ask doctor if it is possible to treat them without medication. According to the Mayo Clinic, abscesses associated with MSRA can sometimes be drained instead of treated with antibiotics.