What Are the Dangers of a MRSA Infection?
MRSA may start out as a small bump that appears to be a pimple or a bug bite, which then becomes painful and swollen. Other symptoms of MRSA include redness, pus and fever.
Doctors test for MRSA by taking a sample of tissue or nasal secretions and checking it for the bacteria. A blood sample may also be taken and tested.
According to the National Institutes of Health, MRSA can spread to the heart or lungs, which could be fatal. MRSA can also cause blood poisoning or pneumonia, both of which have a high rate of mortality.
Doctors treat MRSA by draining the infected area and by prescribing antibiotics. In more severe cases a hospital stay may be needed.
According to the Mayo Clinic, you can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, keeping cuts and wounds bandaged and by not sharing personal items.