Homeopathic Remedies for Tetanus
Nux Vomica
This is one of the leading homeopathic treatments due to its wide range. Nux patients are often anxious, goal oriented, and may have a tendency to overindulge in items such as coffee or wine. Extreme nux patients may even dabble in more elicit remedies such as opiates. In terms of treating tetanus, the nux seeds are rich in copper, which can produce cramping, one of the effects of tetanus. Strychnia, which is an alkaloid of nux vomica, can create a near image of tetanus by creating convulsions and respiratory spasms.
Cicuta Virosa
This remedy can be effective with tetanus due to the symptoms it creates. It affects the nervous system, creating sometimes violent convulsions similar to what someone experiencing tetanus would undergo. The patient taking this may have fixed eyes and slowed breathing as a result.
This remedy is known for affecting the motor abilities of a patient. It stimulates the heart and raises the blood pressure, all symptoms of tetanus. Physostigma can cause tremors in the body, but can also induce paralysis. It isn't uncommon for the pupils of the patient to dilate while taking physostigma. The remedy is also effective in dulling the pain of tetanus due to its effect on the nervous system.
Aconite, also known as aconitum napellus, is used to treat tetanus when a fever is present. The treatment works to calm inflamed nerves, tension in the arteries, and emotional and physical conditions brought on by anxiety. The remedy causes only a functional disturbance in the body and does not alter the tissues.
Belladonna is known for its ability to bring on sudden symptoms that mirror anxiety and fear. It affects the nervous system directly and is known to cause twitching, jerks, and even convulsions. It can mimic an epileptic spasm followed by vomiting. It is primarily used in treating tetanus in infants with lock jaw.