Rabies Safety Tips

Rabies in humans is usually fatal without treatment, a fact that makes it important to know how to prevent coming into contact with a carrier animal. By observing certain safety measures, an individual can greatly reduce the chances of contracting this terrible ailment.
  1. Time Frame

    • Anyone who observes a nocturnal creature such as a bat, skunk or raccoon wandering around in the daytime should avoid the creature. This is frequently a sign of rabies affliction.


    • Bat bites are the top cause of rabies in the U.S.

      Bats are the No. 1 cause of rabies in humans in the United States. Anyone who encounters a bat on the ground during the daytime, or anytime for that matter, should stay clear of the animal.


    • By keeping their pets' rabies vaccinations up-to-date, pet owners can prevent their charges from contracting rabies from the bites of rabid wild animals. Inside pets need vaccinations as well as those allowed outdoors.


    • Someone who has a pet attacked and bitten by a wild animal should immediately take the pet to a veterinarian and report the incident to local animal control authorities.


    • All garbage cans should have secured lids on them, and pet food containers should not be left outside at night; this will reduce the potential of a rabid animal from coming into your yard.


    • People should acquaint themselves with the warning signs of rabies, which include uncoordinated movements in an animal, drooling as the jaw muscles suffer paralysis, and typically gentle animals turning outwardly aggressive.

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