Homeopathic Eye Infection
Good Hygiene
Good hygiene is essential, as it helps prevent and minimize infections. Simply rinsing the eye with an herbal wash and water can help clean away impurities that can aggravate an already existing infection.
Eyebright, or euphrasia officinalis, is effective in reducing the redness and swelling that occurs with many eye infections. It can also help reduce the itch and irritation of conjunctivitis.
Chamomile is an herb that can be used as a substitute for eyebright to help reduce swelling. It can also help reduce sties on the eyelids and decrease the pain of eye trauma.
Aphis is effective when the eyelids become stiff and puffy and can also be used to treat eye sties. Aphis is made from the body of the honeybee and is used in treating symptoms that resemble that of a bee sting.
Belladonna is effective when eye infection symptoms flare up without warning, and it helps with sudden pain and redness of the eyes, as well.