Meningitis Prognosis
There are three main types of meningitis: bacterial, viral and the extremely rare fungal.
Around 25 percent of the time, bacterial meningitis results in death, while only 1 percent of viral meningitis cases are fatal, according to the Neurology Channel. Fungal meningitis infections can also be fatal, cautions the Mayo Clinic.
Children under the age of two and adults over the age of 60 are those most likely to die from a meningitis infection, reports the Neurology Channel.
Time Frame
When recovery is possible, symptoms of viral meningitis typically improve within 24 to 48 hours of the start of treatment, while bacterial meningitis requires 48 to 72 hours, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Some patients are left with permanent disabilities after meningitis, such as vision or hearing loss, speech difficulties, brain damage, seizures and memory loss.