Coagulase Negative Staphylococci Treatment
S. Epidermidis
S. epidermidis (a coagulase-negative staphylococcus strain) attacks the skin and can cause serious infection. Unclean plastic utensils placed in the body cause bacterial infection. S. epidermidis is resistant to antibiotics; there is no treatment. If infection is suspected, the utensil is removed and replaced. If infection is in early stages, the immune system will fight off the bacteria. Prevention by thorough cleaning and sanitation is necessary for complete prevention of infection.
S. Saprophyticus
S. saprophyticus (a coagulase-negative staphylococcus strain) is a common cause for urinary tract infections. Symptoms of infection include pain in the bladder or urinary tract, strong-smelling, yellow urine, burning while urinating and fatigue. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately to prevent spread to the kidneys (kidney infection). S. saprophyticus is treated via antibiotics.
Other Infections
S. lugdunensis, s. schleiferi and s. caprae are less common forms of coagulase-negative staphylococcus. Infections from these strands are very rare as they are recently discovered infectious bacteria. Infection occurs only in people with severely weakened immune systems and is cleared up by antibiotics.
These infections are rare (except for s. saprophyticus) and are mostly found in patients with weakened immune systems. S. epidermidis is prevented by clean and appropriate procedures with in hospitals. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine helps maintain a healthy immune system; this is your greatest defense against these infections. Tell your doctor of any antibiotic allergies as consuming antibiotics that cause allergic reaction can weaken the immune system, further worsening the infection. If you suspect staphylococcus infection, contact your doctor immediately.