Causes & Risk Factors of MRSA
One type of MRSA occurs in a hospital setting
MRSA is caused by bacteria that have developed a resistance to antibiotics because of over-prescribing, antibiotic use in livestock, and the genetic mutation of bacteria in response to exposure to antibiotics.
Developing MRSA
Staph bacteria live on the skin and normally cause no problems, but if you have a cut they can get into your system. If the invading bacteria is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and your immune system can't fight it, you can develop MRSA.
Health-Care Settings
If you have had a recent hospital stay or live in a care facility, you are at increased risk for hospital-associated MRSA.
Surgery or other procedures that break or cut the skin are risk factors for hospital-associated MRSA.
Participating in contact sports and sharing towels in locker rooms are risk factors for community-associated MRSA.
Immune System
Having an immune system compromised by a disease such as HIV/AIDS or being a child with an immune system that isn't fully developed puts you at risk for developing community-associated MRSA.