Health Related Risks to Humans From Dog Urine
Health Related Risks to Humans from Dog Urine
Urine from dogs is not generally harmful to humans, unless a dog contracts a bacterial infection known as leptospirosis. The likelihood of being infected by leptospirosis is low, but human cases have been documented.
The Dangers of Leptospirosis
If exposed to leptospirosis bacteria, humans will usually develop flu-like symptoms within one to two weeks, according to a study done by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Once infected, humans can pass the bacteria on to other humans. Leptospirosis can cause infections in the kidneys, liver and the brain and can be life-threatening if left unchecked. Leptospirosis is treated with antibiotics.
Protect Yourself and Others
To protect yourself and others, always wash your hands thoroughly after touching your dog or anything the dog's urine might be on, and keep your dog away from vegetable gardens and areas where children play. Dogs may be vaccinated for leptospirosis, but because there are so many strains of the disease, vaccination does not guarantee they will not become infected.
How Dogs Contract Liptospirosis
Leptospirosis is a disease found in most mammals. The bacteria are spread through puddles or marks animals leave behind. Rats and raccoons are the most common carriers of the disease. When your pet comes in contact with the urine from an infected animal, it is likely to become infected too.
Dogs Rely Heavily on Their Sense of Smell
A dog's sense of smell is 40 greater than ours. In Stanley Coren's book "How Dogs Think," he states that dogs have an olfactory sense 40 times greater than humans; therefore, they use their noses to understand the world around them.
Dogs pick up the scent of other animals that urinate on trees, fire hydrants and in grass and stop to smell it. If the urine is infected and a dog's wet nose touches the urine while sniffing, the disease usually passes on.
When dogs come across a urine stain they can discriminate the sex, the health and the breed of the dog that went before them. Unfortunately, their curiosity can also cause them to contract leptophrosis.