The Side Effects of INH
Common Side Effects
The most common side effects associated with INH are heartburn, upset stomach, nausea and dizziness. These effects usually are temporary.
Liver Damage
INH is linked to severe liver problems such as hepatitis and liver issues are the primary reason patients stop taking this drug. The risk increases with age and with alcohol use.
Allergic Reactions
Although uncommon, some people experience an allergic reaction to INH. Signs are hives, difficulty breathing, throat closing and facial or mouth swelling.
Other Side Effects
Other serious side effects can include peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage in the hands and feet), blurred vision or changes in color vision, swollen lymph nodes, reductions in white blood cells or platelets, high blood sugar, difficulty urinating and seizures.
Drug Interactions
Many drugs interact with INH, which may strengthen or weaken the effects of INH or the other drug. These drugs include anticoagulants, caffeine, corticosteroids, certain types of antidepressants, and medication for diabetes and for Parkinson's disease.
Food Interactions
Many foods also interact with INH, including certain types of cheese and meat, but not all patients experience this interaction. Effects include severe headaches, vomiting, diarrhea and irregular heartbeat.