Rare Staph Infections
What is a Staph Infection?
Staph--or Staphylococcus, as it is formally called--is a type of bacteria can live harmlessly on many skin surfaces, but can enter and cause an infection if the skin is punctured or broken for any reason. There are more than 30 types of staph bacteria that can cause different kinds of illnesses, though most staph infections are caused by one type of staph bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus. Stphylococcus aureus causes common infections such as strep throat or urinary tract infections, the type of medical problems that are often easily treated with antibiotics.
Rare Types of Staph Infections
However, some rare forms of staph have become resistant to antibiotics over the years. These are called Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, otherwise known as MRSA. These staph infections are harder to treat than regular strains of staph.
MRSA can infect many different parts of the body, including the eye. One very rare form of staph infection of the eye is called Endogenous Endophthalmitis, a very severe infection that affects the whites of the eye by causing red, raised growths to occur all over the eye. These growths are very painful and can often lead to blindness.
Staph infections in the nasal cavities can be very serious, especially if it spreads to the brain.
Although it's very rare, staph bacteria can move into the bloodstream, leading to infections in other parts of the body, such as lungs, bones, kidneys, brain, joints, heart, blood and central nervous system. These infections are more likely in people whose immune systems have been weakened by other diseases or certain medications.
Other rare cases of staph can cause pneumonia.
How Staph is Spread
Staph bacteria can be spread in a number of different ways, such as through the air, from contaminated surfaces and from person to person. Gyms and locker rooms can be a breeding ground for staph bacteria, as are hospitals if they have not been sterilized properly.
How to Treat Staph Infection
If you feel you have an infection of any sort, always see your doctor. Antibiotics are most often used to treat a regular staph infection, which can range from pill form to topical creams to apply to the affected area. However, in the case of a rare and more serious staph infection, the infected person may need to be hospitalized and monitored, receiving more aggressive forms of medication intravenously. Some types of rare staph, such as staph in the sinus cavities, may require surgery to remove.
How to Prevent Staph Infections
Always wash hands and practice good hygiene. Make sure to clean bathtubs, showers and toilets often to keep staph bacteria from forming.
Keep open wounds sterilized and covered as staph can enter these areas easily.
Always use clean and sterilized razors, as nicking skin with a dirty razor can allow bacteria to enter skin.
Drink plenty of water to flush toxins and bacteria out of your system.