Quinacrine Side Effects
Minor Side Effects
There are some usually minor side effects of Quinacrine that generally do not warrant medical attention, since they tend to subside quickly. However, if you have any of these side effects and find them to be particularly persistent or intense, you need to consult your doctor. These minor side effects include dizziness, stomach cramps, abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, nausea, throwing up, headache and appetite loss. A less common minor side effect of Quinacrine is chest ache.
Less Common Side Effects
There are also some possible but uncommon side effects of the medication. If you experience any less common side effects of the medication, you need to inform your doctor immediately. These include: skin rash, peeling, redness or itching of the skin, red spots on the skin, hoarseness, coughing, chills, fever, bloody urine, bloody stools, tarry and dark stools, and abnormal bruising or bleeding.
Rare Side Effects
There are also some rare side effects of Quinacrine. Extremely rare side effects of Quinacrine require immediate emergency medical assistance, as they could bring upon serious consequences. These rare side effects include the skin and the eyes becoming yellowish, and changes in vision.
If you have taken more than the appropriate dosage amount of Quinacrine, it is highly likely that you have overdosed on the medication, which could potentially be harmful. If you are worried that you might have overdosed on this medicine, you need to seek emergency medical care. Some symptoms to be aware of include irregular heartbeat, passing out and seizures.
As one of the most common side effects of Quinacrine is dizziness, it is crucial for users of the medication to be aware of what kind of effect it will have on them before they engage in activities such as driving or operating heavy machinery (or anything else that requires being vigilant and alert).