Mouth Infection Cures
Oral Hygeine
The overgrowth of candida in your mouth may be caused by insufficient oral hygiene. To maintain sufficient oral hygiene, brush your teeth for two minutes and follow with floss twice daily. If you have not been following this regimen, its adoption may be enough in and of itself to cure your mouth infection.
Reduce the Amount of Bad Bacteria in Your Mouth
While candida has a natural place in your mouth's bacterial ecosystem, the overgrowth of candida is what leads to thrush. The first step is to reduce the amount of candida in your mouth. Rinse with an apple vinegar solution (one tablespoon of bacteria in one-half cup of warm water) for 30 seconds four times daily.
Reestablish a Healthy Balance of Bacteria in Your Mouth
When there is an over-presence of candida yeast in your mouth, it is at the expense of the good bacteria. You can regain a healthy bacterial balance in your mouth by eating certain foods that encourage the production of healthy bacteria.
Take 2 billion cfu of acidophilus supplements daily. If you purchase them in pill form, break the pills open and mix them with one tablespoon of orange juice before ingesting them so they can treat your mouth, not just your stomach.Eating live culture, unsweetened yogurt is also a great way to maintain the balance of bacteria in your mouth. It contains the healthy bacteria that you need as well as high amounts of zinc that help your body retain vitamin C, which fights infection.
Visit Your Doctor
The presence of thrush in adults is often the result of a specific course of antibiotics, immune deficiency or diabetic imbalance. If your thrush is not cured by the above methods within a week, then it is time to visit your doctor to eliminate the underlying cause of your thrush.
While the underlying cause of your mouth infection is being diagnosed and cured, your doctor will likely prescribe an antifungal lozenge like nystatin, amphotericin, or miconazole. Be sure to take these lozenges until they are completely gone, even if your symptoms dissipate.
Do Not Stop Taking Your Antibiotics
Long-term courses of antibiotics are the most likely cause of thrush in adults. However, even if you believe that your thrush is being caused by your antibiotics, do not stop taking them. Instead, ask your doctor how you can avoid the side effect of thrush while treating another infection. The solution may be as simple as increasing your yogurt intake. Or your doctor may even advise that you temporarily stop taking the antibiotic.