MMR Shot Side Effects
Probability of Experiencing Side Effects
There are some mild, moderate and severe side effects associated with the vaccine, but the probability of experiencing side effects at all is low. Mild side effects are only reported in five to 10 percent of patients who receive the vaccine. Moderate side effects are reported in different frequencies as follows: one out of every 3,000 recipients experience seizures; one out of four recipients experience temporary soreness and stiffness of the joints; one out of every 30,000 recipients experience temporary low platelet count-causing a bleeding disorder. Serious side effects are experienced in one out of one million recipients.
Mild Side Effects
The mild side effects associated with the MMR vaccine are similar to those of all vaccines, and do not necessarily mean that there is a serious problem, but should be reported to your physician for observation and documentation. Mild side effects are experienced usually within seven to 12 days after a recipient gets the vaccine. Fevers, swollen glands in the neck and cheek, and superficial rashes may occur after the MMR vaccine. The mild side effects of the vaccine are temporary, and usually will subside within a few days.
Moderate Side Effects
As with the mild side effects of the vaccine, the moderate side effects of the vaccine are also temporary.
Moderate side effects include fever induced seizures, joint pain and stiffness, and a temporary low platelet count, causing possible bleeding disorders. Moderate side effects are rare, and if a recipient experiences them, they should see a physician for further testing, as these symptoms could actually be the result of an unrelated issue.
Serious Side Effects
Serious side effects are very rare with the vaccine. Those experiencing serious side effects reported a higher than normal fever, trouble breathing, hives, pale skin, dizzines, changes in behavior, wheezing, hoarsness, rapid heart beat, and weakness. Serious side effects may happen immeaditely after the shot, or could take up to two weeks to surface as a problem. Any of the serious side effects copuld mean that the recipient is allergic, or having a violent reaction to the MMR vaccine, therefore he/she should see a physician right away.
Other Symptoms That Have Occured After The MMR Vaccine
There are some symptoms that have been experienced extremely rarely by recipients of the MMR vaccine. Due to the rarity of the occurrences of those symptoms, researchers are unable to properly study whether they are related to the MMR vaccine. The symptoms that have been placed in this category are deafness, long-term seizures, permanent brain damage, coma,and lowered consciousness. These rare symptoms, whether related to MMR vaccines or not, should be taken seriously, and the recipient of the vaccine should be taken for immediate medical attention.