Side Effects of Griseofulvin
Common Side Effects
Several common side effects can happen from taking Griseofulvin. These side effects tend to be minor, due to the fact that they usually subside quickly. However, if you experience any of these side effects and find them to be persistent or if they get worse with time, you need to speak with your physician. These side effects include nausea, throwing up, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty sleeping and headache.
Uncommon Side Effects
There are some uncommon side effects of this medication. These unlikely side effects call for emergency medical attention. They are mood or mental changes, such as difficulty engaging in regular activities, confusion and disorientation; muscle or joint ache; rash on the cheeks or the nose,shaped like a butterfly; rash that resembles a sunburn; tingling or numbing of the feet or the hands; and changes in hearing.
Severe Side Effects
There are also some rare and severe side effects that could result from taking this medicine. These side effects also call for immediately medical assistance, as they could lead to some potentially harmful consequences. Thesesevere side effects include dark colored urine, urine that is frothy, yellowing of the eyes or the skin (jaundice), infection symptoms (such as lingering sore throat or fever), stomachache and persistent throwing up and nausea.
Extended Use
Females that use Griseofulvin for a prolonged period of time might experience the side effects of the development of a new yeast infection or oral thrush. If you notice either of the following symptoms of those ailments, you need to let your doctor know immediately: vaginal discharge changes or white patches forming inside of the mouth.
Allergic Reactions
Serious allergic reactions to Griseofulvin are rare, but can occasionally happen. These allergic reactions are not to be taken lightly and require emergency medical assistance as soon as possible. Some symptoms to look out for include extreme dizziness, problems with breathing, skin rash, swelling and itching.