Herbal Treatment for Boils
Common Sense Prevention
Wash your hands frequently and with either herbal anti-bacterial soap or with herbal hand sanitizer. Anytime you visit a public place you open yourself up to exposure. Carry herbal hand sanitizer with you at all times and after being in a public place, use it. A small cut, even an ingrown hair, can give staph a place to enter and boils to form, so prevention is of utmost importance.
Compresses were used frequently before modern medicine stepped in. A compress is a hot cloth on top of another smaller, lighter cloth that holds something in place on the infected area. The heat helps the substance penetrate and draw out the bacteria, helping the healing process.
Fill a bowl with steaming hot water and place a disposable cloth in it. You will be using three of these a day, and whatever you use must be disposable to prevent spreading staph to other people. You can purchase inexpensive facecloths to use, cut up a towel or two, or cut up an old sheet.
Apply one of the following substances directly onto the infection and cover with gauze. Wring out the cloth in the hot water and set it on top of the gauze. Re-wet and reapply every 10 minutes for a total of 30 minutes. Do this 3 times a day.
-sliced fresh garlic cloves
-tea tree oil
-50/50 mix of honey and apple cider vinegar
Healing From the Inside
Keep yourself healthy. Eat well-balanced foods, keep hydrated and get plenty of rest. You may find yourself very tired as your body fights the bacterial infection. Take a multivitamin. Drink herbal teas, which boost your immune system.