Side Effects of Benylin
Common Side Effects
Side effects associated with using Benylin include nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, constipation, mild loss of appetite, redness of the skin, upset stomach, insomnia, restlessness, skin rash, drowsiness, memory problems and ringing in the ears. While these are the most common side effects associated with using the medication, they are rare and only affect a small number of users.
Severe Side Effects
There are also severe side effects that are associated with using Benylin, although they rarely occur. Some of these side effects include fast or uneven heartbeat, confusion, hallucinations, severe dizziness, severe anxiety, increased blood pressure, headaches, blurred vision, trouble concentrating, numbness, seizures, easy bruising or bleeding, urinating less than usual and body aches.
Important Safety Information
Before taking Benylin, inform your doctor if you are allergic to either diphenhydramine or pseudoephedrine or if you have diabetes, glaucoma, kidney disease, heart disease, an enlarged prostate, a thyroid disorder or problems with urination. Benylin may also be harmful to an unborn baby, so tell your doctor if you are pregnant before beginning use of this medication.
Always use this medication according to your doctor's orders and never exceed dosage recommendations written on the label. Always ask a doctor before giving a cough or cold medicine to a child. Some cause severe side effects in children 12 or younger. Benylin is administered orally and should never be chewed, crushed or broken. Place the pill inside the mouth on the tongue and allow it to dissolve on its own.
If you experience any side effects, contact your doctor immediately.
If an overdose is suspected, seek emergency medical treatment.
Benylin is meant only as a treatment method for flu-like symptoms and infection and should never be used for any other medical conditions unless specifically prescribed by a doctor.