Vermox Side Effects
Uncommon Side Effects
There are no really common side effects associated with Vermox. Some relatively uncommon side effects of Vermox include stomach or abdominal pain, upset stomach, nausea, throwing up and diarrhea. These side effects are generally considered to be minor, and occur as the body adapts to the medication. However, if the side effects do not subside, or even perhaps get worse, it might be necessary to consult a doctor.
Rare and Minor Side Effects
There are some rare side effects of Vermox that are also minor. Most people who take the medication do not experience these side effects. However, these side effects also tend to go away as the body gets used to the medicine. These side effects include loss of hair, headache and dizziness.
Rare and Severe Side Effects
There are several side effects that are both rare and serious. Should these side effects happen, immediate emergency medical attention must be sought. These side effects are skin rash, fever, itchiness, abnormal weakness and fatigue, and sore throat.
It is very important to exercise caution when considering whether or not to take Vermox. You must inform your doctor of your medical history, including any current conditions that you might have, especially if you have liver disease, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis (people who take Vermox have an increased chance of experiencing unpleasant side effects if they have the latter condition).
Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
Pregnant females are advised strongly against taking Vermox. It has been confirmed to bring upon birth defects in unborn babies. Also, though it is uncertain as to whether or not Vermox is excreted into human breast milk, it is crucial that nursing women talk to their doctors about Vermox before taking it.