What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Thrush?
Oral thrush is a painful condition because it causes milky white lesions in the mouth. The Mayo Clinic reports that these lesions can affect the tongue, inside of the cheeks, tonsils, roof of the mouth, gums and even the throat. The lesions bleed and hurt when scraped. People with oral thrush might also have cracks on the edge of their mouths, have a loss of taste and a cottony feeling in their mouths.
Women commonly get thrush (yeast infections) in their vaginas. The symptoms of vaginal thrush are itching and burning in the vaginal area. There might also be an odor in the vagina and a white or yellow cottage-cheese-like discharge. It can be an extremely uncomfortable condition and many women are prone to get repeated cases.
Many men are unaware that thrush or yeast infections can happen to them. Dr. Todd B. Nippoldt with The Mayo Clinic reports that these cases of thrush can develop on their own or also can be sexually transmitted. In men, a reddish rash will occur at the tip of the penis. The rash will be painful and itchy, and a burning sensation might occur when urinating. Men can be treated with the same medications (such as Monistat) that women use to rid themselves of the infection.
Nursing Mothers
Nursing mothers can get thrush on the breast and nipple. The National Library of Medicine reports that thrush in breastfeeding moms will cause the nipples to turn a deep pink color. The nipples also will be uncomfortable to the touch and will cause breastfeeding to be uncomfortable. These cases are often transmitted between mother and child, so both will need to be treated at the same time to keep one from reinfecting the other.
Babies can also get thrush and will commonly get it from, or give it to, a breastfeeding mother. The National Library of Medicine reports that if thrush appears in an infant's mouth, it will cause the tongue to become a creamy white color. The infant's mouth will also become increasingly red. The infant will also have a change in mood and become fussier and cry more than usual. Because of the uncomfortable feeling, the infant might develop a need to fed more often.