Home Remedies for MRSA Staph Infections
Treatment Varies
The type of treatment used to treat a patient for a staph infection is dependent on what type of staph infection the patient has. Different things cause staph infections. Common prescribed treatment for a staph infection is the use of an antibiotic. Often, staph infections can be dangerous and stubborn, so prescribed methods of treatment don't always do the trick. In those cases, or in the case of chronic infections, the patient may choose alternative methods of treatment or home remedies rather than traditional treatment.
Antioxidant Liquids
Antioxidants work because they get rid of the bacteria that has entered the body. Some experts refer to antioxidant liquid as an antioxidant liquid super-food. It can be applied externally to the infected areas, as well as be consumed or ingested, which can clear up the infection from the inside out. Apply directly to the infected skin twice per day.
Examples of liquid antioxidants include liquid Acai berry juice, Noni juice and Goji juice, all which can be found at your local health food store.
Avoid using antibacterial soaps, which diminish the natural flora, inviting harmful bacteria into the system.
Dietary Choices
What a patient consumes can make a huge difference when it comes to staph infections. Cut back on all soy products, with the exception of fermented soy, miso, tempeh and soy sauce, which are all healthy for the patient. Soy contains goitrogens, which are known for depressing the thyroid function. Additionally, it contains phytic acid, which can hinder the body's ability to absorb proteins, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Avoid drinking milk, as pasteurized milk can be quite harmful to those who have staph infections. If you must drink milk, stick with raw milk or milk, which is certified organic. F
inally, avoid all artificial sweeteners. This includes Splenda, sucralose, aspartame, nutra-sweet, equal and acesulfame potassium. Read labels carefully to determine what foods you can and cannot eat. Artificial sweeteners can be detrimental to your health, particularly if you suffer from recurrent staph infections. Both soy and artificial sweeteners are known for weakening the immune system, which is not a good thing. People who suffer from recurrent staph infections tend to have weakened immune systems.