Common Cures for Toenail Fungus
Signs and Symptoms
Before beginning treatment, be sure that you are correctly diagnosing the problem. All nail fungus infections share the same symptoms: thick, brittle, discolored and disfigured nails. The fungus may also cause an odor, depending on how advanced the infection is. Left untreated, the nail will begin to thicken and then crumble. This can be quite painful. Check with your medical doctor before aggressively treating any suspected condition.
Common Prescription Medications
Oral antifungals can be prescribed by your medical doctor. The two most common include Itraconazole and Terbinafine (Lamisil). Each of these are taken for up to 12 weeks. They heal the fungus by keeping new toenail growth fungus free. Final results occur after the entire new nail has grown in, which can take six to eight months.
Topical Treatments
These are either painted on as you would nail polish or available in cream form to rub into the infected and surrounding area. Topical medications are often used along with oral prescriptions to speed up the healing process.
Penlac is the most common topical cure. When it is painted on, this broad spectrum antifungal penetrates the nail and delivers the medicine to the base of the infection, where the fungus is living and growing. Treatment generally lasts from 10 to 12 weeks before the fungus is thoroughly eradicated.
Lamisil cream is commonly suggested for elderly individuals who may not be able to take certain oral medications.
Natural Remedies
An alternative or natural method may also be used to treat toenail fungus. Both lavender and tea tree oil are strong antifungal agents that can be painted onto the nail and surrounding area.
Some people swear by is using a white vinegar and salt soak three to four times per day. Mix pure white vinegar with approximately 1/8 cup salt in a small container. Immerse your toe and soak for 10 minutes. Do not rinse and allow your toe to air dry. You should see a marked improvement after three days. Continue the treatment until all signs of the fungus have disappeared.
Prevent Toenail Fungus with Proper Hygiene
Certain individuals are more susceptible to toenail fungus. High-risk groups include anyone whose nails are constantly exposed to water, those who battle athlete's foot and people with an immunodeficiency. Other factors that increase the risk of toenail fungus include nail injury, diabetes and poor hygiene.
The elderly are also particularly at risk, since the buildup of dead skin tissue under the nail increases with age. The dead tissue acts as a sponge, holding in moisture and warmth--providing the perfect breeding ground for fungus.
The best way to prevent toenail fungus from forming or recurring is with proper hygiene. Keep the area clean by thoroughly washing and scrubbing away the dead skin cells two to three times per day. Change your socks often and avoid wearing nail polish.