Prevnar Side Effects
Common Side Effects
These side effects are generally considered to be minor, as they tend to go away as the body gets used to the vaccine. However, should the effects linger or get worse, medical attention might be necessary for the child. The side effects include soreness, lump, redness, tenderness or pain where the Prevnar was injected, diarrhea, lowered appetite and fever.
Allergic Reactions
In cases of allergic reaction, it is crucial to seek emergency medical attention. Some signs of allergic reaction include swelling of the tongue, mouth, lips or face, chest tightness, itchiness, problems with breathing, skin rash, extreme dizziness and breaking out into hives.
Seizures are highly uncommon, but possible, side effects of Prevnar. Should a child experience a seizure due to Prevnar, the child's parents or guardians must immediately seek emergency medical assistance for the child.
It is important that the doctor is fully aware of the child's medical history and current medical conditions before he is allowed to take Prevnar. The doctor must be aware of all of the child's recent fevers and ailments, vaccination history and any bleeding issues he may have (such as low platelets).
Drug Interactions
Drug interactions can occur when more than one medication is taken at the same time. Drug interactions can lead to decreased or increased effectiveness of one or more of the medicines that are involved. Some medicines that can lead to interactions with Prevnar include cancer chemotherapy medications, blood thinners like heparins, and corticosteroids such as prednisone.