Yeast-Rash Home Remedies With Vinegar
Why It Works
Apple-cider vinegar is becoming a very common home remedy. It can be used internally and externally to treat a yeast infection. Caution should be taken when applying apple-cider vinegar externally as it is very strong and may irritate the skin if applied directly. One of the best types of vinegar to use is Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar.
How to Use It
One of the most effective and easiest ways to apply apple-cider vinegar for a yeast infection is to add it to your bathwater. Add approximately one to two cups of apple-cider vinegar to the bathwater as the tub is filling up. This will temporarily ease discomfort and may feel relaxing to the individual. Soak in the water for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. For severe vaginal yeast infections, spread open the vaginal lips in order to allow the therapeutic water to enter past the normal barrier point. White vinegar is not recommended for use to treat yeast infections, as it may actually feed the yeast rather than killing the viral infection.
Men can suffer from yeast infections too. The good news is that men can also use apple-cider vinegar to treat their yeast infections. Yeast infections in men can be caused by a number of factors. Sometimes a man will become infected with a yeast infection because of sexual contact with an infected female. Other types of yeast infections can occur due to something as simple as wearing knee pads to do construction work. Treatment is often the same (over-the-counter ointments and creams), but apple-cider vinegar can also be used to effectively treat a yeast infection in a male. Mix two tablespoons of apple-cider vinegar with two quarts of warm water. Gently bathe the affected area(s) with a cotton swab that has been dipped into the vinegar/water mixture. The mixture can also be drunk to help cleanse the body from the inside out.
Candida infections can also result from antibiotic use. This type of infection is common during times of stress, especially if the immune system is in a poor state. Men, women and children experience candida infections in many forms due to a number of reasons. Vinegar is the most common and natural (as well as inexpensive) method of treatment available.
Drink Lots of Water
Water is a very powerful remedy for any ailment or health problem. Drinking lots of water can help cleanse the system and keep it ailment-free. You should be drinking at least eight glasses of water a day, but many people have the need to drink more water than that.
The water you drink should be free of any toxins, which can be accomplished with the use of a filtration system. Brita and PUR brands are excellent choices. Do your research to determine which water-filtration system is right for you; look for a filtration system that has been marked with an ISO accreditation, which means that the filter has been proven capable and will last for the indicated amount of time. Detoxifying your body by drinking plenty of water throughout the day will be extremely beneficial in getting rid of a yeast infection.