Types of MRSA Staph Infection
This they type of MRSA that in contracted in a community setting and is referred to as Community Acquired MRSA or CA-MRSA. The specific guidelines given by the CDC state that a person who has had no stay in a healthcare facility for the past year and is diagnosed with MRSA would be given the CA-MRSA diagnosis. It is the type of MRSA that many people can pick up from hard surfaces such as sports equipment, exercise equipment, tables and floors. According to the CDC it normally causes skin and soft tissue infections.
This is the type of MRSA that is hospital acquired. It usually infects someone who has a weakened immune system during their stay at a medical facility such as hospital, nursing home or rehab center. Some people will contract this disease after having surgery or treatment. This type of MRSA can be more dangerous because it tends to be more internalized and affect critical aspects such as blood and lungs.
Skin Infections
A skin infection is the most common type of MRSA that is found. The CDC reports that a MRSA skin infection usually starts out as a small pimple or boils on the surface of the skin. It can be very painful and becomes filled with pus or liquid infection. Medications usually have to be given to treat these types of infections but in some cases the wound can be cleaned out or debrided.
Urinary Tract Infection
This is a form of MRSA that causes pain and pressure in the lower abdomen or pelvic region. It can cause nausea, vomiting and a generally unwell feeling. People who suffer from this condition report having incontinence. It can be contracted from a catheter which is placed in the bladder from a medical procedure or from improper cleaning after urination.
Pulmonary MRSA
Pulmonary MRSA can be caused from intubation of a person during a hospital stay. But there are some cases of this type of MRSA being contracted in the community. It tends to present as pneumonia but can worsen quickly and cause other life threatening conditions such as sepsis.
MRSA in Blood
Sepsis is medical condition where the blood becomes contaminated or infected by bacteria. This can make a person extremely sick and their other organs such as the heart or lungs may be affected. This type of MRSA requires IV antibiotics and can usually leads to a lengthy stay in the hospital.