Primary Prevention of Tuberculosis
The goals in primary prevention of tuberculosis are to reduce an individual's risks and exposure to the disease through the efforts of education, change in life style and behavior. The primary process is controlling the disease and identifying and treating individuals with the disease. The focus is on groups at high risk of contacting the disease, such as the homeless, people who are malnourished and young children. Also included in the focus are people who have uncontrolled diabetes and health care workers.
Education is a vital component of primary prevention of tuberculosis. It should include information and teaching on the transmission of tuberculosis, the infection process and details about the disease and its treatment. The local health department also plays an important role in the primary prevention of tuberculosis.
Other Strategies to Reduce TB
Other strategies used to reduce the spread of TB include counseling about HIV and providing economical and nutritional support. Health care providers play a vital role in the process by becoming aware of how cultural diversity and manners can impact the care and treatment of some patients who do not want to participate. Pursing the legislative, political and cultural avenues to engage their efforts in the cause is a powerful benefit.
BCG Vaccine
The Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) Vaccine is used as a primary prevention of TB in many countries. This method is not used widely in the United States. The reasons cited include that its effectiveness in the prevention of M. tuberculosis has not yet been determined, the low risk of M. tuberculosis infection and the fact that BCG can cause a false-positive reaction in the tuberculin skin test results.
It is important for health care providers to wear the proper respiratory masks that are properly fitted when caring for patients in the infectious stage of TB.