How to Cure Typhus
Take antibiotics to cure typhus infections. According to the National Institutes of Health, doxycycline, tetracycline and chloramphenicol are effective at treating the Rickettsia infection responsible for typhus. Oral tetracycline may permanently stain teeth that are developing and is therefore not prescribed for children unless absolutely necessary.
Use medication to lower your fever and prevent febrile seizures from developing. The fever associated with typhus may be as high as 106 degrees F. If left untreated, dehydration and possible brain or nervous system damage may occur.
Go to the hospital if your illness is severe. Supportive care is aimed at treating symptoms and preventing serious complications until the infection clears from the body. Oxygen and intravenous fluids will be administered to assist with breathing and prevent dehydration until the antibiotics begin working.
Have blood work and other tests done to watch for developing complications, such as anemia, kidney failure, pneumonia, vascular collapse, hypotension, encephalitis and gangrene. These conditions are medical emergencies that require immediate treatment, and their development indicates a worsening prognosis, according to the Merck Manual.
Boil clothing and take medicated baths when lice are determined to be responsible for the infection. Insecticides may be used to eradicate lice from infected areas.