Prevention of Bladder Infections
Stay Dry
Wear cotton underwear, which absorbs moisture and helps keep the genital area dry. If you wear pantyhose, choose a style that has a cotton crotch. Don't wear a wet swimsuit for any longer than you have to because this keeps the area moist and warm, providing a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Avoid frequent long baths and opt for showers instead. Wear loose fitting clothes instead of tight jeans, which trap moisture and cause irritation.
Practice Good Hygiene
Wash the genital area with mild soap. Women should wipe from front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement to avoid spreading bacteria onto the urethra. Change underwear as often as needed to keep them dry. Put on a clean pair each day. Women should choose sanitary napkins over tampons and replace the napkin throughout the day and after each urination. Wash the genitals after sexual activity and try to urinate before and after sexual intercourse.
Urinate when you feel the need. Holding onto urine gives bacteria enough time to bloom into an infection. Drink plenty of fluids each day. It is recommended to drink six to eight glasses of water a day to keep the urinary tract flushed. Do not drink carbonated soft drinks as these can irritate the bladder. Drinks with caffeine and alcohol should be avoided or consumed in moderation. Drinking a glass of cranberry juice each day may help prevent bladder infections since cranberry juice has been shown to prevent E. coli bacteria from attaching to cells in the urinary tract.
Avoid Chemical Irritants
Another way to prevent bladder infections is by avoiding genital contact with irritating substances. Launder underwear in gentle fragrance-free detergents. Avoid toilet tissue treated with perfumes or dyes. Do not use douches or feminine hygiene products unless recommended by a physician. Do not use deodorant sprays in the genital area. When bathing, use only warm water with no added perfume or bubble bath. Use mild soap for washing the genitals. Chemicals can cause drying and irritation of the urethra, which might lead to a bladder infection.