Signs & Symptoms of Mono in Adults
One of the most common symptoms of mono in adults is a general sense of weariness or fatigue, no matter how much rest or sleep you get. This general feeling of lethargy may last several days.
Sore Throat
Many individuals who contract mono experience a sore throat, which may or may not be accompanied by swollen tonsils in the throat. Sometimes, swollen lymph nodes may be felt in the throat as well as the armpits. These can be felt as small pecan-sized lumps of movable tissue felt beneath the surface of the skin in these locations.
A low grade fever is common in many adults who contract mono, ranging from normal to about 101 degrees or so. Fever that rises above 101 to 102 degrees for more than 48 to 72 hours should be assessed by your physician.
Loss of Appetite
Because the mononucleosis virus spreads through the body and causes the immune system to kick into action, appetite may be decreased temporarily. This enables the body to focus on fighting the virus and not digesting large amounts of food.
Another common symptom of mono is a headache that just won't go away. Persistent headaches may occur while a person is fighting mono and may continue for a day or two after other symptoms subside.