How to Treat a Carbuncle
Things You'll Need
- Calendula oil Neem oil Tea tree oil Crushed garlic Echinacea tea
Apply hot compresses two or three times a day using a washcloth dipped in hot water and wrung out. Use a clean washcloth each time, and be sure that no one else uses those cloths. Put crushed garlic directly on the carbuncle beneath the hot compress to help draw out the pus. It is important not to squeeze the carbuncle, which can spread the infection. You can also use calendula, neem or tea tree oil--all of which help kill staph and reduce pain--beneath the compress.
Build your immunity by drinking echinacea tea, plenty of water and eating properly. Get plenty of rest and take ibuprofen if needed. Keep the carbuncle clean and dry between compress treatments. If possible, do not cover it with clothing.
Keep yourself away from others to avoid spreading staph germs. Wash your laundry separately in hot water, detergent and a few drops of tea tree oil. A carbuncle should show signs of improvement within two weeks. If it doesn't, see your physician, who will probably prescribe antibiotics.