Free Toenail Fungus Cures
Apple Cider Vinegar
Fungal infections usually prove to be stubborn and may repeatedly appear if careful care is not taken. The toenail can be infected from gyms, shower stalls and any moist environment. The fungus causes discoloration of the nail and, if proper treatment is not given, it can be painful. One proven home remedy is soaking the foot in a warm water bath after adding some apple cider vinegar. The vinegar is a part of every pantry so would be quite inexpensive. Use 2 parts vinegar and 1 part water. Soak 3 times a day and continue a week after symptoms subside. Ensure that the foot is kept dry. The best way to do this is use a paper towel to dry the foot.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Another home remedy is soaking the foot in hydrogen peroxide. Take 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and add 1 part warm water. Soak for 25 to 30 minutes 3 times a day and continue a week after symptoms of the fungal infection fade. Alternatively, the patient can soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply it directly to the toenail with careful attention to the area between the digits. Ensure the foot is kept dry.
Listerine and Red Pepper
Toenail fungal infections are quite stubborn but the use of natural remedies, though painful, can prove effective. One such remedy is red pepper. Take 1 tsp. red pepper and generously douse the toe every night. Bind it with gauze and take it off in the morning. Repeat every nigh, keeping the toenail dry in the mornings.
Another remedy is the use of Listerine mouthwash. Take a cotton ball and liberally wet it in Listerine and apply it to the nail a few times a day. The infection will start to improve almost immediately.