Natural Genital Warts Treatments
Watch and Wait
Give the genital warts time to heal on their own before trying any treatments. According to eMedicineHealth, in 10 percent to 20 percent of infected people, genital warts may clear up on their own within three to four months. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) supports this report, stating that a healthy immune system will usually fight off the viral infection naturally, enabling the body to get rid of the warts on its own. However, immediate medical attention must be sought if you are pregnant or have a compromised immune system due to, for example, HIV infection.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy for genital warts. To use it as a treatment for genital warts, dip a cotton ball in some apple cider vinegar and apply this directly to the wart. Hold it in place with a band aid or other adhesive tape, then leave it in place overnight. If necessary, shave the area around the wart to enable the tape to adhere better. Remove the cotton ball in the morning. Repeat this procedure for a week.
Herbal Tinctures
Herbal tinctures offer an age-old treatment that can be used to treat genital warts. One such herbal treatment can be prepared from herbal tinctures as follows: pour one part goldenseal into a clean jar or bottle and add two parts each of licorice root, echinacea, thuja, lomatium and osha. Take 30 drops of the tincture mixture twice a day. These tinctures can be purchased from a health food store.
Garlic Poultice
Garlic is a natural antibiotic that is commonly used as a folk remedy for genital warts. An easy way to use it is in the form of a poultice. Simply crush two or three fresh garlic cloves and place the crushed cloves over the infected area. Cover the garlic with some gauze or a cotton ball and hold this in place using a band aid or other adhesive tape. Change the poultice twice a day. Continue treatment until the genital warts clear up.
A natural, holistic alternative to treating genital warts is to boost the body's immune system. The CDC reports that a healthy immune system can fight off an HPV infection, clearing the genital warts on its own. According to Health and Age, particular nutritional supplements may be taken to enhance your body's immune function and promote healing. These include vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E as well as zinc and selenium. Folic acid is also recommended. Increasing your intake of whole grains, fruits, fresh vegetables and essential fatty acids (from seeds, nuts and cold water fish) is also recommended.