Adenovirus Symptoms
The most common result of an adenovirus infection is an infection of the upper respiratory system. This type of adenovirus infection is commonly referred to as a cold. Symptoms of a cold include congestion, a runny nose, sneezing and a sore throat.
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
In some cases, the adenovirus will infect the gastrointestinal system primarily. This can result in symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea. These symptoms will generally go away and be mild. If the diarrhea is present for an extended period or is mixed with blood, it is probably not a result of an adenovirus infection.
Another site for an adenovirus infection is the eye. This can happen from swimming in a pool with people who have been infected, or because of contaminated optometrist equipment. The main symptoms of conjunctivitis are redness and tearing of the eye, with occasional eye pain and dryness.
Serious Respiratory Infections
Some strains of the adenovirus can cause a more serious infection of the respiratory tract, especially in people who have a weakened immune system. An infection of this sort will result in bronchitis (which can lead to difficulty breathing and frequent coughing) and pneumonia (which can cause wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing that is worsened when in a reclining position).
Two strains of the adenovirus, 4 and 7, are able to cause neurological symptoms. The initial symptoms are a high fever and a headache. This will develop into muscle rigidity and seizures. If the disease is not treated, the affected person will slip into a coma and may die. As a result, people in the U.S. Armed Forces are commonly vaccinated against these strains of the adenovirus.