Cures for Acute Sinus Infections
OTC Drug Medications
Over-the-counter medications can effectively treat the symptoms of an acute sinus infection. Aspirin and ibuprofen are good for a headache or sore throat. Decongestants and nasal sprays thin mucus in the throat and nasal passages and relieve congestion and coughing.
If over-the-counter medications are ineffective, you may need antibiotics. These prescription medications destroy bacteria or germs that cause infections. On average, doctors prescribe antibiotics for 7 to 10 days. Antibiotics are only used to treat sinus infections caused by bacteria, not viral infections.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Drinking water and juice can thin mucus and produce drainage. Increase your water intake. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Also, drink plenty of orange juice to boost your immune system and fight infection.
Rest Your Body
Acute sinus infections can linger for days or weeks. Get plenty of rest to fight the infection. If possible, take a few days off from work or school. While home, limit your physical activity. Inadequate rest can prolong the infection and symptoms. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night and, if possible, take short naps throughout the day to regain your energy.
Use a Humidifier
To clear your throat and nasal passages, use a humidifier to moisten the air. The moist, warm air will quickly break up mucus to promote improved breathing and relieve coughing. If a humidifier isn't available, take a hot shower. The steam from the shower can thin mucus and alleviate symptoms.