Cold Sore Facts
Cold sores are usually very painful and appear as blisters, which are filled with fluid and show up on a reddened raised area of the skin in or around the mouth. Cold sores are accompanied by a tingling sensation a couple of days after the blisters have disappeared. Cold sores can last up to 10 days.
Cold sores are caused by some types of the herpes virus, most commonly the HSV-1. Though HSV-2 is usually responsible for genital herpes, it is possible for it to cause cold sores as well. Cold sores are contagious, but should not be confused with canker sores, which are a form of ulcer.
Cold sores will clear up on their own without treatment within seven to ten days. Topical treatments can be used to relieve symptoms. Some doctors will prescribe an anti-viral medication in order to accelerate the healing time and reduce symptoms.
Cold sores spread from person to person. There are some measures individuals can take in order to prevent spreading the virus. When your partner has blisters present, avoid kissing or skin-to-skin contact. Don't share utensils, towels, lip balm or other similar items with someone who suffers from cold sores. The infection can spread even when there are no blisters present.
Wash your hands often to avoid spreading the virus. If you have cold sores, avoid touching other parts of your body, because your eyes and genital area are more susceptible to catching the virus. Avoid things that stress your body. Stress can cause frequent outbreaks.
Use sunscreen. Apply it to your lips and your face before going out into the sun, even in the winter months.
Once someone has been exposed to the virus, symptoms may appear up to 20 days afterward. Symptoms will typically last seven to ten days. Cold sores show up as painful blisters, which eventually break open and ooze out. A yellow crust forms and is finally replaced with pink-tinted skin. Most people do not experience scarring from cold sores.