Abdominal Staph Infection Symptoms
Staphylococcal Food Poisoning
While not common, staph infections can be ingested with food contaminated with toxins produced by staph bacteria. Usually the culprit is food that is high in sugar or salt content, and has been sitting out for too long. Examples of food likely to develop staph bacteria if let out to sit for too long include pork, potato salad, and cream filled pastries. When you eat food laced with staph, the bacteria will attack your bowels. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea--all of which can lead to dehydration.
If you have eaten food contaminated with staph bacterial, symptoms will appear within six hours and can last up to three days. Staphylococcal food poisoning is considered more serious and longer lasting when it occurs in the very young and the very old. There is no medication to treat this bacteria, and people with staphylococcal food poisoning are not considered contagious.
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Toxic shock syndrome occurs when the toxins released by staph bacteria grow in an area of the body where there is limited oxygen. Although toxic shock syndrome is most common in women who use tampons during menstruation, it can occur in other areas. Many toxic shock syndrome symptoms occur in the abdominal area, and include vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea.
Urinary tract infections in IBS patients
Staphylococcus saprophyticus accounts for anywhere from 5 to 15 percent of all urinary tract infections, or UTIs. In people that also have irritable bowel syndrome, in addition to pain and difficulty urinating, symptoms also include lower abdominal pains.
Risks of Abdominal Surgery
You are particularly at risk for contracting an abdominal staph infection immediately following abdominal surgery. Staph bacteria is prevalent in hospitals--and whether you had an appendectomy or an abdominal hernia operation, your post-surgical team will likely take precautions to ward off staph infection.
Symptoms of an abdominal staph infection following abdominal area surgery include lymph node swelling, pain and swelling around your incision site, and the development of red boils or styes around the incision.
Shared Symptoms
Regardless of where staph infection enters, whether on a cut to your abdomen or a cut on your finger, common or shared symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, pain or severe swelling around an area of your skin that has been punctured, and red boils or styes.