What Causes Recurring Staph Infections?
Surgery and illness significantly tax the resources of the body, rendering it unable to completely fight off the infection. The symptoms may disappear for a time, only to reappear when the remaining bacteria reproduce.
Stress, particularly chronic stress, can compromise the immune system, leaving it unable to fend off staph infections, even with the aid of antibiotics.
Insufficient Medication
Staph infections can be of varying degrees of virulence. If an infection is particularly virulent, a standard dosage of antibiotics may be insufficient to kill the bacteria.
Since the introduction of antibiotics, resistant strains of staph have developed. If the infection is caused by a resistant strain, it may recur until the appropriate antibiotic is administered.
Recurring staph infections may not be recurring at all, but rather a case of reinfection. Reinfection can occur from using the same towels, washcloths, or wearing the same clothing. Reinfection can also be caused by exposure to a staph carrier.